Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Elly Kleinman Held a Geriatric Convention

On the occasion of the International Older People’s Day, celebrated worldwide on the 1st of October, Elly Kleinman CEO of the Americare Companies held a gerontological convention at NYC Health Institute, talking about healthy habits for the elderly.

The chief executive of Americare, Elly Kleinman opened the convention with a lecture on "Prospects of gerontological care" focusing mainly on the rising healthcare trends, and the specificities of the gerontology service in the United States. Assessing America’s older people healthcare system as appropriate, Elly Kleinman pointed out that ensuring a healthcare service for the elder is one of the main indicators of the progress or failure for the entire nation’s healthcare system.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Healthy Habits to Postpone Aging

Do you want to look young, improve your quality of life and prolong your life expectancy? If so then continue reading as Americare's establisher Elly Kleinman has prepared for you some useful tips which can help you improve your life and slow down the aging process and the aging of your body’s cells. Healthy habits can bring many benefits to your body, and a common result of these habits is that your body stays vibrant and energized. Follow these guidelines and you'll be healthier, and you will also feel happier.

First off, Americare advises that you arm yourself with antioxidants. When it comes to antioxidants the evidence is indisputable, because they neutralize free radicals and effectively help with diseases and conditions that accelerate aging. Therefore, you should enrich your diet with antioxidants, both through food, as well as through natural dietary supplements. Some of the best antioxidants are found in vegetable purple, berries, green leafy vegetables, legumes, cold-pressed extra virgin oil, raw seeds, nuts, and sprouts. Make sure you give priority to organic foods.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Elly K - Rejuvenate with Vegetables from Your Garden

There is no magic formula that will help you remain young forever. However, a healthy diet and lifestyle contribute significantly to the way your body ages. A healthy diet among other things includes consumption of fresh vegetables, which are packed with important and essential nutrients for the body. Elly Kleinman the founder of Americare, has seen the benefits first hands. Vegetables contain a wide range of nutrients that people have been using for thousands of years to maintain health, vitality and beauty.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Kleinman, E - Diabetes Burden by 2050

According to a new report from the BioMed Central, 1 in 3 people within the United States will have Type 2 diabetes by 2050, if current trends continue. These alarming projections highlight the need for intervention in order to keep the numbers from climbing up. Elly Kleinman, the founder of Americare informs that currently, 1 in 10 Americans has Type 2 diabetes, but it is possible that its prevalence could double or triple over the next 40 years period.

The most common form of diabetes is Type 2 Diabetes, which is triggered by a combination of several factors, such as family history and controllable factors, such as obesity and inactivity. Furthermore, Kleinman says that according to recent data, it's also the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, and the leading cause of leg and foot amputations, kidney failure and new cases of blindness.

The SCALAR health blog states in a post that the number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes is estimated to increase by about 165%, going from 11 million in 2000, and a prevalence of 4.0%, to 29 million in 2050, and a prevalence of 7.2%. Kleinman also points that the prevalence of diabetes is expected to rise sharply, mostly because of the increasing numbers of the aging population, Type 2 Diabetes among minority groups that are at high risk, and greater longevity for people living with diabetes.

Diabetes prevalence among Americans in 2050, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, could range from 21 percent or about 76 million to 33 percent or 100 million people. Currently, there are around 24 million Americans affected by diabetes, and one-quarter of them are undiagnosed. Elly Kleinman believes that these alarming figures show just how important and critical is for people to start improving their lifestyles, make smarter eating choices and exercise more often. Physical activity and proper diet can reduce the risk of developing diabetes, and it can even help control the condition in diabetics. There are many effective prevention programs directed at high-risk groups that can reduce future increases in diabetes prevalence, although it is impossible to completely eliminate them.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

E.K. - Help Elders Age with Grace

It is a fact that every day there is an increasing number of old people. Every society that has such age structure population, is responsible for organizing proper care for this population group so that each member of the community would feel dignified, safe, secure and happy in their later years of his life. Elly Kleinman, Americare Companies founder, and the current executive has been investigating the issues related to this age group, for most of his professional career. As the driving force behind Americare, a company providing a wide range of healthcare services, including home health care for the elderly, he has dedicated a lot of time and efforts, into improving the current position of this group.

Nowadays it is easier than ever to recognize the vital problems that cause hardship to this age group. Thus, some of the most apparent problems lay in the fact that a large number of older people live completely alone, with no one to rely on, not knowing what tomorrow will bring, and depend only on the compassion of a few kind people. Official authorities care little about this age group. The reason for that, according to this post from Elly Kleinman Americare, can be traced back to the lack of financial funds, human resources, equipment, and proper organization of such institutions.

But precisely because of that lack of adaptation towards the elder, community members, and civil society organizations should look into this problem, and through various acts of humanity, try to help the older people in doing their everyday tasks and meeting their basic needs. Caring for the elderly, the disabled or the sick peoples, and allowing them to contribute to the community through their work, although they are the ones who actually built the world in which we live today, creates a sense of humanity and recognizes the problems stated above.

By helping the elderly and disabled people, we indirectly give new meaning and purpose to our own lives, says Kleinman, which further proves that we weren’t entrusted with our lives in vain.

Sometimes all they need is just someone to listen to them, held their hand in those times when they feel the burden of life, show some concern and respect, and make them feel that there is still something worth living for.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Kleinman's Meaning of Telehealth

Innovative technologies transform the way we give and receive care and thus make the world a better and healthier place. Telehealth or Telemedicine, as Elly Kleinman, Americare CEO explains, is a term used to define the technology used by doctors, nurses, and patients in long-distance healthcare. Telehealth applications allow providers to capture and share images and data outside of the healthcare facility. Remote monitoring applications on the other hand use sensors and alerts that transmit patient data to a healthcare provider. This allows the provider to monitor the patient's condition in real time and eliminates the need for frequent visits to the healthcare facilities. Chronic disease management applications can especially benefit from this. Interactive Telehealth solutions offer real-time interactions between providers and patients, using wireless, video, and remote diagnostic technologies. All these interactive apps are useful because they allow communication between providers and patients that are separated by great distances or in rural settings.

Telehealth is a cost-effective, efficient and engaging way for healthcare providers to connect with patients while offering a more convenient, real-time interaction. This remote diagnosis and treatment of patients allow healthcare providers to readily communicate and share information electronically via video, text messaging or monitoring services. With its potential to significantly enhance healthcare coordination, efficiency, and patient-centered care, Kleinman believes that Telehealth will play a vital role in the transformation of healthcare organizations.

According to Elly Kleinman, Americare Companies founder, a recent study showed that around 78% of physicians indicated that Telehealth could improve access to care and 68% thought it could improve continuity of care. The general findings of this research proved that doctors and other healthcare providers see promise in the ability of Telemedicine to improve access to care services. Just as home computers and smartphones have changed information exchange and communication worldwide, experts believe that Telehealth has the potential to change the entire practice of medicine. Although it is still in its early stage of implementation, it has shown incredible potential and has already found its use in so many areas of medicine.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Effective Use of Health Apps

With the expansion of the internet, the healthcare industry continues to invest in the development of online information, mobile apps, and personal health devices. The purpose of these tools is to

increase consumer engagement, help individuals take actions that can improve their health, make informed decisions, and engage effectively with the health care system. As the current president of the Americare Companies, Elly Kleinman has been following the rising trend of health apps.

Consumers trust the information sources more, and in addition, they are rising. Recent studies show that 52% have reported searching online for health or care-related information, have used social media or patient portals. One-quarter of consumers’ report they have looked at a scorecard to compare the performance of doctors, hospitals, or health plans compared to 19 % only two years ago.

According to Kleinman, in the period from 2013 to 2015, consumers’ use of technology to measure fitness and health improvement goals has increased from 17 % to 28 %. The use of health apps is highest among the younger population, at 45 % of that group. The use of tech-based monitoring among consumers with major chronic conditions has jumped from 22 % to 39 % in the last two years solely. More than 60 % of tech-savvy users state that using health technologies has had a major impact on their lives. Some groups are becoming engaged consumers way faster than others. For example, younger consumers are on a fast upward trajectory, showing greater gains than the other generations.

Although large numbers of Americans use fitness and other health-related apps, most apps are left unused once they’re being downloaded. Data from a related survey shows that 58 % of adult smartphone users have downloaded at least one of the estimated 40,000 available health-related mobile applications. Around 42 % downloaded five or more of these apps.

Nearly 65 % of the respondents reported that the apps have helped them improve their health. In Elly Kleinman’s opinion, a large number of consumers have demonstrated strong faith in these health apps in terms of their accuracy and effectiveness. Approximately 65 % of the respondents reported using their apps daily.