Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Elly K - Rejuvenate with Vegetables from Your Garden

There is no magic formula that will help you remain young forever. However, a healthy diet and lifestyle contribute significantly to the way your body ages. A healthy diet among other things includes consumption of fresh vegetables, which are packed with important and essential nutrients for the body. Elly Kleinman the founder of Americare, has seen the benefits first hands. Vegetables contain a wide range of nutrients that people have been using for thousands of years to maintain health, vitality and beauty.

So, if you want to slow down the aging process and maintain your youthful appearance make sure that every day there is one of the following ingredients on your plate, says Elly Kleinman.

Tomato is rich in nutrients that are beneficial to the skin. Vitamin E, present in these vegetables protects and moisturizes the skin, and improves its recovery from damage caused by the free radicals. Beta-carotene protects the skin from external influences, especially from the harmful effects of UV rays. Furthermore, Elly Kleinman, a businessman working in the health sector reveals that tomatoes are known as a powerful antioxidant. Evidence shows that its regular intake reduces the negative effects of sun exposure. Quercetin found in tomatoes helps reduce inflammation, while also taking care of the beauty and splendor of the skin. Elly Kleinman reminds that lutein is one of the most powerful protectors of the skin and the eyes.

Paprika is a real treat for your skin. It contains 4 times more vitamin C than oranges. Just half a cup of chopped peppers provides more than 100% of the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamin C, which stands out because of its ability to prevent and mitigate wrinkles. Research conducted by healthcare providers at Elly Kleinman Americare Companies revealed that those women who consumed higher amounts of vitamin C had far fewer wrinkles, and their skin was shiny, smooth and moisturized. Paprika contains over 30 nutrients from the carotenoids group, whose main role is maintenance and clean complexion. One of the carotenoids present in vegetables is extremely important for the preservation of vision and eye health. Thanks to the joint action of vitamin C and A, peppers have strong antioxidant activity, which is very important for the skin health, and for having a youthful appearance.

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