Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Bronchitis and Pneumonia In The Elderly

What is bronchitis?

It is the inflammation of the bronchi, which are the connections between the lungs and the trachea. In bronchitis, the bronchi are covered with mucus, preventing air from circulating naturally. This causes difficulty in breathing and a high-pitched sound. The alveoli are part of the bronchi, whose function is to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen. 

Elly Kleinman, the founder and CEO of Americare Companies, points out that bronchitis has nothing to do with the cold, which is caused by a virus, and which affects the nasal cavities and the pharynx.

Kleinman from Americare specifies that there are several types of bronchitis, which are generally caused by physical injuries, mainly caused by smoke, tobacco or dust.

Symptoms of bronchitis in older people

The symptoms of bronchitis are similar to those of the flu, such as fever, runny nose, or dry cough. Kleinman explains that the differences from the symptoms of a common flu are difficulty breathing, chest pressure, and that characteristic high-pitched sound called wheezing.

Treatment for bronchitis in the elderly

Medications are usually prescribed to act against fever and cough. Kleinman, the President and CEO of Americare Companies, recommends drinking plenty of liquids that cause the mucus to dissolve for expulsion. You can also consume honey caramels, that calm the irritation of the throat.

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia, however, is an infection that affects the lung, caused by small organisms inside the alveoli. Kleinman specifies that this infection causes damage to the lungs that is detectable by x-ray.

Symptoms of pneumonia in the elderly

The experienced healthcare executive, Kleinman points out that, symptoms are usually manifested by chest pain, high fever, and cough with expectoration (phlegm), sometimes even blood. It can also cause tiredness, muscle aches, and headaches.

Treatment of pneumonia in older people

Antivirals and antibiotics are usually used as a treatment for pneumonia. Elly Kleinman, who is also a member of USGBC, indicates that it is important to go to the doctor for a correct diagnosis and follow-up, especially in the case of the elderly, since detection is sometimes more difficult.

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