Elly Kleinman is the driving force behind the Kleinman Family Holocaust Education Center i.e. the President of the KFHEC that bears his family’s name.
Elly Kleinman is the President of The Americare Companies, which provide an extensive range of services, including home healthcare, rehabilitation services and international nurse recruitment, encompassing professional, paraprofessional and supplementary services. The Americare Companies were founded by Mr. Kleinman over 30 years ago.
Mr. Kleinman is a major humanitarian individual, who is personally involved in charitable activities. He maintains Gemilus chesed funds in virtually every aspect of the Jewish community – from education to social services, bikur cholim and Holocaust remembrance. In promoting the needs of Torah mosdos and community organizations, he cooperates with officials on a local and national level, both here and abroad.
Mr. Kleinman was designated as a Chairman of the 12th Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi in May of 2011. Despite the support of numerous yeshivos and chesed organizations, Mr. Kleinman is actively promoting the Daf Yomi study around the world. Several years ago, Elly and Brochie Kleinman dedicated Agudath Israel of America’s Daf Yomi Commission in memory of their fathers, Reb Avrohom Isaac Kleinman and Reb Menachem Dovid Indig zichronom l’vrachah. They were Holocaust survivors who were moser nefesh to help re-establish Torah in America after the war. “The fact that the Siyum is dedicated to the memory of the six million kedoshim has very special personal significance for me”, claims Kleinman. “I only knew my grandparents and many of my uncles, aunts and other relatives who were killed al kiddush Hashem through stories that my parents and other surviving relatives shared with me. It is incredibly fitting that the Siyum – which bears testimony to the eternity of Torah and the Jewish people – is dedicated to their memory.”
As a son of Holocaust survivors, Mr. Kleinman has been an important benefactor at some recent events about the Holocaust. At a major gathering in Brooklyn, Elly presented the Novominsker Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, on November 10, 2009. A large number of school principals and educators were present at this gathering. Their main focus was on enabling students from 7th to 12th grade to learn about the Holocaust. Elly Kleinman spoke publicly at the 87th National Convention of Agudath Israel of America, on the theme, “Seventy Years Later: The Need to Keep Churban Europe [the Holocaust] Before the Eyes of Our Young.” On that occasion, Mr. Kleinman introduced the Kleinman Family Holocaust Education Center (the KFHEC).
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